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Gamo CF 30 | Air Rifle

Gamo CF 30 | Air Rifle

Regular price €300,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €300,00 EUR
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This is the ideal air rifle for the shooter that wants power 97 plus the accuracy of a fixed barrel rifle, but  doesn't like the idea of having to pump his rifle 8 to 10 times. You'll never see a fixed barrel airgun  like the new CF-30, that can be cocked once, and still deliver 280 m/s. It has a rifled steel barrel with dovetail grooves to accommo date a scope, and a micrometric rear sight a beautiful hardwood stock and two stage trigger. It is very accurate, very powerful. Very affordable.
· Calibers: .177 in (4,5 mm) and .22 in (5,5 mm)
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